

INEX - Association for Voluntary Activities - is a non-governmental non-profit organisation founded in 1991 whose primary activities are in the area of international voluntary work. Our main objective is, through international voluntary work, enabling people to help where their help is most needed whilst at the same time making it beneficial for the volunteers in terms of obtaining new life and work experiences which they can use later in their careers.


Post Bellum

Post Bellum is a nongovernmental and non-profit agency founded in 2001. The association’s members are mainly journalists, historians, and students, who record the memories of historically significant groups of the nation – like for example WWII veterans, victims of the holocaust, present-day war veterans, political prisoners of the communist regime in former Czechoslovakia, representatives of the dissent and other important figures of political, cultural, social and academic life in the 20th and 21st century in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, respectively.


INEX Slovakia

INEX Slovakia (INternational EXchanges) is non-profit and non-governmental organisation offering remarkable experiences, personal development and meaningful free time activities for young people through international voluntary activities and non-formal education.


Életművész Ifjúsági Egyesület

The Életművész Ifjúsági Egyesület (Artist of Life Association) is a young and enthusiastic organization actively taking part in local, regional (the region of Lake Velencei) and international youth work. Our basic principle is to give space, create opportunities and support young people with different social and cultural backgrounds in realizing their ideas, develop their talents in several fields and open their perspectives by realizing mentor and coach programs, building a supporting, inspiring community and discovering new local and international opportunities.


Stowarzyszenie Moje Marzenia Spełniają Się MMS

MMS Association was founded in 2011 through the cooperation of a group of 15 young people who are interested in the overall human development, intercultural education, as well as capacity building and work to realize their potential. By supporting young people to achieve their dreams of members of the Association would like to have a positive impact on the limited career prospects of young people in the region.



(Step) Out from the Crowd is sponzored by Visegrad Fund.